Rediscover the Classics, Take a Test Drive

Relive the history, try the classics, and purchase with confidence.

The downloadable content you’re about to receive represents only a small sample of what we offer. While our trial version includes only a few selected platforms and titles, its main purpose is to allow you to experience its functionality and get an idea of what you’re about to acquire.

Download your demo now!

Download the demo today, with only 3.6GB reduced in size, so you can test its performance on your device. Important! This demo version includes only 24 platforms.”


Attention! The demo for Windows devices comes ready for use once downloaded and unpacked, as it is prepared and preconfigured. If for any reason you require additional drivers or dependencies to ensure everything runs smoothly, please let us know, and we will provide you with the necessary files.


For Steam Deck users, it’s necessary to download the multi-emulator ’emudeck’ directly from through your console’s browser (Steam Deck). We will provide you with detailed instructions and the files, games, and BIOS that you need to load in demo mode to enjoy a limitless retro emulation experience on your console.


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You must enter valid information; that’s where you will receive the details and access to download your demo.